Judicial Officers Tipped on Handling of GBV Cases
Hon. Justice Adonyo (ED-JTI) giving his remarks at the Gender Based Violence training workshop
At least 32 magistrates at the rank of Grade One were trained in the better management of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
The training was organized by the Judicial Training Institute (JTI) in collaboration with Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET).
In his remarks, the Executive Director of JTI, Hon. Justice Dr. Henry Peter Adonyo urged the judicial officers to be proactive and engage court users if the cancer of gender-based violence is to be weeded out.
He told the participants to embrace court open days because they give people a chance to interact with judicial officers.
The Executive Director UGANET said the training purposely targeted Magistrates because they are first point of contact for litigants with GBV cases.
According to the 2014 Crime Report, 314 people died as a result of GBV. Out of these cases, only three accused persons were convicted, two cases were dismissed and one was acquitted.
Thereare 181 cases pending in the court system while 127 are still underinvestigation.
Posted 9th, December 2017